
design systems: Odyssey Earth

My branding idea is bittersweet. It's a really fun idea, with a lot of options for applications and has a lot of versitility; but making it look like it belongs all to the same brand is difficult. I want to keep the versitility-- through my research I've found a lot of theme parks have very little versitility. One logo, two colors. ON EVERYTHING.

With that in thought, I've developed some ideas of what would be consistent. Mostly it would be patterns, texture, typefaces and a logo with many different options. But there would be different applications on everything. This sounds scary, but for example: the "earth's core" section of the park would have a specific cut of the logo, a dirty application and archer as the typeface for all signage. The overall logotype would be used on most things and the name of the park would be included cleverly on all merchandise.

 In a real world situation, this would be an identity system that could only be used by the designer.. and we all know that's pretty rare. So I'm taking advantage of it now!

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