
Type: artifacts

I've come up with a list of artifacts that I'll be designing for Oh, Semantics: Type Con 2010!

Week 1
invitations to possible keynote speakers (because that's where it all starts, right?)
web banner/website home page that the banners leads to
individual invitations
magazine ad

Week 2
name tags and name badges
info packet/folder
signage for tables, lectures, etc./wayfinding signage
big map/pocket-size map/schedule
catalogue of lectures/activities

Week 3
water bottle
goodie bag with notebook, t-shirt, button, pen and thankyou card
gala table name cards
refinements on EVERYTHING

1 comment:

alicia rosas said...

ash;fgoihwe wehowihfowie lwjfiodjsklajgowijrwa!!!!!

>:( >:( >:( >:(

- an angry comment from alicia