edit:here's an edited version of the opening page...
I'm considering taking the navigation words out of their boxes to push the "contents" page concept... maybe?

original version:

original version:

when you scroll you get info on the conference and a weekly lecture bio...

here are the web banner ads.. the top one is supposed to be somewhat of a mystery. "reward my bookshelf with what?" Originally it said "reward yourself" but Laura pointed out that it was a little too mysterious. The lower right ad is supposed to be slightly more informative, giving info on what it is and where. Both would lead to the website above.
1 comment:
ahhhh. so much better! thank you for moving in this direction.
the book pages idea is nice, and i like seeing what looks like multiple pages stacked on the right side. you don't use that logotype drop shadow anywhere else, so i'd scratch that idea. it gets overly busy with that thing.
i'd try what you said about the TOC look for the navigation. could be cool. especially if you gave it some tiny details that alluded to a classically set TOC, whatever those things would be... not sure what. numbers? given that idea, you might want to arrange the nav in a more "narrative" fashion, from beginning to end, like a story.
the two logotypes seem odd and competing with one another. how to resolve that on the home page at least? once you leave for the other sections, the logotype above the nav is all you'll have, so i'd keep that, but maybe it's a bit large...
i don't see the differences in the johanna drucker layouts. i do know that i don't want to see that huge logotype at the top of every section though. too much redundancy.
i'd definitely keep working this book metaphor and see where it leads you. can you reference other parts/forms of the book and where it is appropriate to do that? built it out a bit more than just showing worn/dirty pages (although that's kinda cool).
from what i can see, the banner ads look nice. do they animate or are they just that one frame? from what i can tell, it looks like it might be fine to have a single frame. slightly mysterious as you said, but not overly so.
nice work!!
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