
Wuuurman and POV's

The reading brought to light a lot of thoughts that have been swimming around the back of my mind. When I was reading the two education articles, I had my own opinions about what the designers were saying but I wasn't entirely sure how I formed those opinions or why I formed them. For my site, I plan on analyzing and comparing some.. but at the same time, Wurman brought up some good thoughts about how our points of view are formed and how they can't all necessarily be analyzed. For example, perception and memory are selective. I can (subconscious or not) "head off" undesirable information and form my own perception. So with this site, I can just do my best to share my perception and point of view of the two articles and support them with as much information possible. 

Why did I choose the articles? Honestly, I chose the education articles without even looking. I've always been interested in education because of my background and environment. My mother teaches early childhood education and has shared her knowledge and philosophies about good and bad educational practices. This was an opportunity to dive back into an interest I've shared with her my whole life.

I go back and forth; agreeing and disagreeing with parts of each article. On the whole, I disagree with both.. Mostly because they seem like they believe that their way is the best way to teach design; and in reality, there is no best way to teach anything. Both articles have some good points and I think Scher has her heart in the right place. Salchow just seems angry at the world. In certain aspects the articles seem like they're on opposite ends of the spectrum; kind of like classical training vs. well, not classical training. Salchow seems like he wants to put design students on a design conveyer belt and then let them develop into grown up designers after they graduate while Scher wants little Paula Scher's running around.

I see a lot of very interesting possibilities within these comparisons. I'd like to go with a compare contrast and combine tactic. This way there'd be another concept combining the best parts of both articles.. possibly creating a mega-curriculum. We'll see. I also want to share my personal opinions in a separate design element. I know I don't have nearly the experience of either designer so I don't necessarily want to put my thoughts on their level but my perspective will be in the design and in that extra design element that calls out my opinion. 

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