
Postcard output


Genia said...

The dwarfs (yay for Grumpy!) all have little hammers and remind me of coal miners. They also have kerosene lamps, which was probably the reason you included the little guys. Or not?
You must have included the flame to make the postcard positive. The fact that the dwarfs are walking over the fire seems to be negative. I see that as a reference to the dangers of energy-producing industries. You probably didn't mean that, but that's what i see. The lamp they are walking over reminds me of a sleeping (or not) volcano, which also suggests danger. The media (paint) references the old times that had incredible art, but not so wonderful safety policies.
I'm really happy that you saw the lamp as a little detail of the dwarf story, making it humorous and serious at the same time.
Let me know if I'm even close to your idea!

meredith adams said...

I like your take on it, Genia but I was sending it in a less serious manner . It's supposed to have humor in a slightly more serious painting. I wasn't getting at the energy industry or safety, but more so the fantasy world that seven dwarfs exist. The flame to me was a portal into the fairy tale world from the real world. The paint was to help make that transition go more smoothly and I did want the viewer (you) to wonder if they were supposed to be on fire and why they aren't burning. That kind of goes back to the cartoon fantasy world where no one ever really dies- even if they eat a poison apple. And I'm glad you picked up on the detail of the lamps they're carrying and the larger lamp. That is exactly what I was referencing and it's where I began the story.